Kinjal 2.0



"A Single Parent " and "A Successful Entrepreneur".

Believe it or not, this lady has proved that talent has no limits and no barriers. Just Amaze to Interview such amazing personality.

She is a self made women entrepreneur of the era. She by herself made her career Successful in Digital Marketing with 50 Lakh rupees revenue a year. She is the Best Performer in the Marketing field with creative & unique ideas. She is committed to give satisfactory outcome to her customers on time.

It was stagger to found that she feels & works. She takes her work as not only just assignment or just a profile to work but she is placing herself on the same stage & work with all her heart out. Not only this, for some of her specific projects she travels to places where she can better understand the core of the project.

To love what you do and provide content to the client is the important thing but she is making her client love the idea of what they are doing & completes the work in such a way that she is the most visionary Digital Marketing Professional in the market.

She is a good Leader, committed Entrepreneur & dedicated Professional. She delivers the best of everything she commits. She leads her team like a family and each person of her team feels that this is their own organization. As seen positive results always comes out where an employee works like working in their own organization.

Along with this she also have recently spoke in TEDx TALK & She appeared herself as marvelous thinker & believer with her remarkable accomplishment & potential to positively influence the world.

She has also written an astounding book about her journey of becoming a flourishing women entrepreneur, her journey of being a single mother & how she explored the real meaning of her life & bloomed with success & happiness.

She is Joyful, Creative & Selfless Personality, with her own successful career. She have also helped many people with her guidance to find their inner quality & path to get successful & happy. She is a strong believer that "Be happy & make others happy"

She balances both her professional & personal life very well. She is often seen spending quality time with her lovely family & son. She likes to visit places which are nature driven.

She has a beautiful Farmhouse, where she spends quality time with her family for almost 2-3 months a year. She is soo much in to the fact that her success is the result of the faith which her family keeps on her. Her family & her kid is the root from where she gets all the confidence & power to serve the best.

As a single parent she proved that single mother can also provide her child the best of everything. She travels many a time with her baby & spend quality time with him along with her busy work schedule. Many a times she quotes that she is not so single parent just because her family makes her & her kid feel more complete than one can feel with their life partner.

She is passionate about living healthy life & starts her day with yoga & morning walk. She meditates daily. Also balances with her hobby of dancing & playing Guitar in all the possible intervals. While travelling she prefers to read the motivational books.

She strongly believes that " If you have the power to dream at night, any dream you wanted to dream, you could design it for yourself what could be the most aesthetic life".

Note.- This Blog is the part of Assignment of the Digital Deepak Internship Program.


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